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    August 7, 2024


    Operational SMS Use Case

    JLL is a leading global professional services firm that specializes in real estate and investment management across many of the assets in the ISPT portfolio. With a strong presence in Australia and around the world, JLL offers a wide range of services to clients, including property leasing, sales and acquisitions, asset management, and consulting. Their expertise spans various sectors such as commercial, residential, retail, and industrial real estate.

    The Problem

    The centre has staff car parking available which requires a weekly permit ‘renewal’ to be submitted to avoid being fined for parking over the usual parking limit. The retailers often forget to submit these requests so JLL have engaged Beonic for a solution. 

    Beonic has recommended the use of Engage to SMS the retailer list with a message to remind the staff to submit their parking renewal on time and avoid these fines.


    The Solution

    JLL and Beonic through Lisa Pearce (IRAPT Portfolio Centre Manager, JLL) and Ann McCartney (Lead data strategist, Beonic) have worked closely together to design an automated SMS campaign that delivers effective reminders to selected staff members each week. 

    The Outcome

    Since implementing these regular SMS’ there has been a dramatic reduction in staff members forgetting to reapply for their parking permit which grants them free parking.

    Beonic Solution

    Beonic Engage


    “The Beonic solution has meant that the retail staff who park are avoiding unnecessary parking fines from not having an up to date parking permit.”


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